Competition Squad at Ishinryu Karate

Open to all ages, all grades and all abilities, our Competition Squad is designed for students looking to improve their karate competition preparation and performance.

A Strong Competitive History

A Program Specifically Designed for Competitive Training

Taught by Accredited Senior Black Belt Instructors

Competition Squad karate classes are taught by our accredited senior black belt instructors.

Sensei Tony Hails 8th Dan

Sensei Tony is the current mentor coach to Karate Fiji and former coach of Australia, and has 4 World Championships under his belt as a former national athlete.

Sensei Alison Peachey 6th Dan

Sensei Alison is a former national athlete (Oceania and domestic) and is currently a WKF credentialled referee.

Sensei Leighton Wren 5th Dan

Sensei Leighton is a former national athlete having competed in the Junior World championships, Oceania and domestic competitions.

During Competition Squad karate classes, our senior Senseis are assisted by:

Sensei Michael Radermacher 3rd Dan

Sensei Michael is a current masters competitor, former domestic athlete, and current nationally credentialled referee.

Sensei Neil Walker 3rd Dan

Sensei Neil is a former national athlete, having competed at the World Championships.

Sign Up for Competition Squad at Ishinryu Karate

If you’re looking to take your competition skills to the next level, then our Competition Squad karate class is for you.

This class truly is for all ages and grades – you get better by doing, by being exposed to high expectations and good examples from others.

Enrol today and start your journey towards becoming a better athlete and martial artist.

Active Kids vouchers are accepted.