Confidence, power, self-esteem, coordination, fun!

2015 Annual Championships

Our great annual championships will be held on Saturday 28 November at the Menai dojo.

Online entry is now open and encouraged! You will also find paper entries in the dojo, but if you’re reading this online then it’s really quick to enter.

There are most certainly kumite events for students of all ages and grades (so from 5 to 50+, white belt to black belt and beyond). Kata is for all students 9th kyu and above. And there’s the gladiator event (whacking with padded sticks) for kids up to age 15.

It’s a fabulously fun day and a safe environment in which to test out your skills. And the cheapest tournament you will ever find.

If you have any queries please see your instructor in the dojo, or send us an email.




